
Anyone who has been avidly awaiting the next instalment of our fantastic blog may have been somewhat disappointed of late – ‘Where are the blogs!?’ you may have thought to yourself, ‘ I need my CAM blog fix!!’. Well, first and foremost, we are sorry to disappoint. However, it has not been through sheer idleness the blog has been neglected. We are just emerging from the sublime-storm that is wedding season (so expect to see some beautiful brides on our Facebook soon). Although we love weddings, our feat have barely touched the ground for the last month or so. Now, with the moment of respite between weddings and Christmas (Yes, Christmas! We’ve seen the wrapping paper emerging already) we are back to blogging.

Somewhere in the torrent of weddings, our glorious leader Cheryl managed to pick up another two awards – bringing her total to almost thirty! One of these two, however, was particularly significant because it was our first boudoir image to win. Coincidentally, we have yet to introduce our boudoir sessions on the blog so it was the perfect marriage.

This is the beautiful image in question, which was highly commended by a panel of professional judges. Although we think its a great image, we certainly can’t take all the credit; look at how amazing she looks! Our boudoir sessions are all about making you feel fantastic and confident in your own skin, everything else follows naturally. A boudoir session is a unique experience; its one we wholeheartedly encourage every woman to experience at least once in their lifetime. Glamorous or natural? Its up to you. The fantastic feedback we always get, and love, is how fun the session is. You will come away full of confidence with some amazing images to show for it. Each session is £35, which includes a 10×8 print. We can also arrange for a professional makeover prior to the session (please enquire for further details). The key thing to take away, however, is how much we know you will enjoy the experience!

As always, feel free to contact us on 01942396228 (Ashton) or 01524 846 697 (Lancaster) with any and all enquires – and check our website for some more amazing pictures. We’ll be back again with another blog soon.